In the long history of plumbing, several different materials have been used, beginning with hollowed-out wood. In the age of modern indoor plumbing, the most common material for many decades was galvanized steel, which proved more durable than any metal used before. Steel allowed indoor plumbing to become widespread, and many homes and businesses still have steel pipes today. But because of steel’s tendency to corrode over time, copper pipes have superseded galvanized steel as the metal of choice over the last 70 years. Copper faces competition today from plastics such as PEX, PVC, and CPVC, but it still remains a popular alternative. We’ll look at what makes copper a best and most attractive choice for plumbing and why sometimes plastic is the better option to go for Advantages of Copper Pipe: Copper is a naturally corrosion-resistant metal, whereas galvanized steel can eventual leak and break because of corrosion damage. While it is a tough metal yet copper is also lightweight, w...